2.1. The use of the Website, the access to specific pages and / or all information or services requested by the website User may lead to the communication of personal data. The processing of those data by MACH & MACH, as controller, and/or by the processors acting on MACH & MACH behalf, shall be compliant to the Law and the GDPR Regulation.
2.2. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform the User, before accessing specific pages of the Website and communicating its personal data, about the way MACH & MACH processes its data. The User shall be aware of this Privacy Policy before providing personal data by filing the forms provided in that respect in the different pages of the Website
2.3 The personal data will be processed mainly in an automated manner, with procedures linked to the purposes described in point 3.
MACH & MACH cares that User’s personal data are processed safely and in confidentiality and takes all necessary measures to avoid loss, bad use, deterioration or deletion of the personal data
2.4. MACH & MACH also collects User’s specific personal data in order to recognize him/her and offer him/her an optimal and personalized use experience. This collection also aims to correct potential mistakes in the Website. The collected data concern the User’s connection (IP address, geographical zone, day and hour of connection, pages seen and / or used, etc) as well as the equipment from where the connection occurred.
2.5 Le Site, pour mieux satisfaire aux besoins de l’Utilisateur et les personnalisés, fait usage de cookies. Le cookie a pour but de signaler votre passage sur le Site.
2.6. Tout manquement, information partielle ou inexacte sur les données personnelles, signalées par un astérisque, et donc nécessaires à l’exécution de la prestation demandée, rend celle-ci impossible. En revanche, tout manquement, information partielle ou inexacte sur les données personnelles facultatives est sans conséquence.
2.2. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to inform the User, before accessing specific pages of the Website and communicating its personal data, about the way MACH & MACH processes its data. The User shall be aware of this Privacy Policy before providing personal data by filing the forms provided in that respect in the different pages of the Website
2.3 The personal data will be processed mainly in an automated manner, with procedures linked to the purposes described in point 3.
MACH & MACH cares that User’s personal data are processed safely and in confidentiality and takes all necessary measures to avoid loss, bad use, deterioration or deletion of the personal data
2.4. MACH & MACH also collects User’s specific personal data in order to recognize him/her and offer him/her an optimal and personalized use experience. This collection also aims to correct potential mistakes in the Website. The collected data concern the User’s connection (IP address, geographical zone, day and hour of connection, pages seen and / or used, etc) as well as the equipment from where the connection occurred.
2.5 Le Site, pour mieux satisfaire aux besoins de l’Utilisateur et les personnalisés, fait usage de cookies. Le cookie a pour but de signaler votre passage sur le Site.
2.6. Tout manquement, information partielle ou inexacte sur les données personnelles, signalées par un astérisque, et donc nécessaires à l’exécution de la prestation demandée, rend celle-ci impossible. En revanche, tout manquement, information partielle ou inexacte sur les données personnelles facultatives est sans conséquence.